"We plant some flowers along the path and hope someone will pick them."
A survey was conducted of those who have been through the Technocracy Study Course and gained sufficient understanding of Technocracy’s Continental Social Design as to be able to offer suggestions as to what can be done to facilitate the transition from financial accounting to energy accounting and establishment of the North American Technate no later than 2016 AD. All those who are into sustainability of whatever will grok this for sure.
It is expected that those who are opposed to these programs will also find
these files
exceeingly useful.It is expected:
that those involved with the North American union programs including
CAFTA,NAFTA, SPP, NAU, NEXUS, GENI, and federal government administrators
in general will find this to be quite useful.
It is expected:
We expect that everyone born in the involved nation states will learn that a future without money is
going to be friendly.
The stark reality of the
transition is:
As to the
publics ability to understand the design It is all a technical matter It makes
not the slightest bit of difference if the public even knows of it or not. The
steam engine didn't need a press agent. The Einstein Theory doesn't require any
special legislative enactment. If the only people who can bring order to our
present industrial chaos find out exactly how to do the job, we needn't worry
about public acceptance. The time is at hand the option of mutual
consent for the switch-over to a method of social operation which can forestall
being overtaken by one of the ancient cultures and severe resource depletion
HAS RUN OUT, so the convincing of the grassroot populace, business, and local government
interests will be submerged and replaced by action.
The old leaders will give
way to a new leadership which is already here. The advance in science and
technology during the past few decades has completely changed the conditions
under which we live. The scientists, the technologist and the engineer will
come forth and take the responsibility which social change is thrusting upon
them. They will volunteer for this job or the march of events will require that
they be drafted.